There is Another Meaning in Words.In the beginning It was nothing then it was something. What degree did you receive it on. A lie cannot be in the truth but the truth can be in a lie. Either way the truth is there. It’s a difference in what someone said, lived, facts, opinions, theories, and evidence. There are meanings and there are translations. The issue is trust, In the words of, Charles Sourgeon “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes”.The only way you can truly believe something is knowing what you believe.
Is it the only way you see it? Close your eyes then open them up and take another look. In “Dj Drama voice” Pay Attention. In this Universe, there are things to be known and there are unknown things, and Background and origins to everything do exist, to the things that were seen. What about the things that weren’t? Turn the volume down, then turn yours up. There is a “law of conservation of mass”. Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it. Newton's “Three Laws of Motion”. There is a middleman to the truth.
Everything that consist of matter is influenced by energy, you either create your wave or ride someone else wave. Knowledge is for the mind and experience is for the body, there is another series, You is the Star. Once, you have knowledge, then understanding of that knowledge then you have wisdom,then you have a way of life. You are connected to a resource of energy. You have trust, issues, and authority to bring it to existence. Trust your intuition ,heart, and trust your process. Check out My new single “Trust issues” You can be apart of a creation or the creator, either way you will know something at the End.